Once you have created a Microsoft account, you can easily access various Microsoft products and services, ranging from the Office, Word, PowerPoint, and Windows to Xbox and Skype.
How to Setup Microsoft Office Account
You just need to generate a password & username and also add other necessary information to set up a Microsoft office account. With your Microsoft account, you can enjoy a lot of services and features. You can review search history, browsing and location activity & more.
Also, you can stay in contact with your family & friends, find, lock & erase a lost or stolen Windows10 device and you can quickly access, renew and manage your Microsoft subscriptions.
You can also have access to products like outlook mail, Microsoft edge, Bing, Xbox, one drive, Office, Windows, MSN, Microsoft store, mixer, and others. There are just a whole lot of features and services you can enjoy but not all of these services are for free.
If you are looking for just the place to store important files and photos online, then you can do so on the Microsoft One Drive. Microsoft offers 5GB of storage, so you can add as many files and pictures that can contain that much space.
You can have contact with your loved ones & friends through the outlook mail and also communicate with others easily anytime. You can also get in touch with your loved ones & friends using Skype video & voice calls.
With Office 365, you can easily access Word, Excel, PowerPoint and be at your best level of productivity. You can play your favorite games, celebrate gaming and also have access to entertainment. With Microsoft services & products within your reach, you are mostly at your best.

How to Access All Microsoft Suite Apps
Once you have a Microsoft account, accessing Microsoft suite apps becomes rather easy. You have access to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, Skype for business, outlook, Microsoft excel, window 10 apps, and others, which are all located in the Microsoft Suite.
Customers who need the Microsoft Office suite apps need to buy or subscribe to gain access to the Microsoft package.
Once you have a free Microsoft account with a working office 365 subscription, you can have access to the extra apps in the package. If you don’t subscribe to a plan, you will not have access to these additional features.
But you can equally have access to Microsoft suite apps for free by signing into office on the web. Just navigate to the official website and click Use free at office.com.
Then you can sign in to your account using a password and username. Once you log in you will have access to the Microsoft suite apps, then you can start creating and saving documents. You can also access these apps by downloading them as standalone apps on your device; however, you will need to have a Microsoft account to enjoy more services.
Microsoft account is definitely a well-packaged program with a lot of features that help to improve your productivity. Just sign up for the Microsoft account to be at your best.