Create New Facebook Account – Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2 billion monthly active users from all over the world.
Through Facebook, you can find old friends, connect with new people, get to know what’s happening around you, and keep in touch with loved ones no matter the distance.
Almost everyone is on Facebook, for fun or more, it is simply a large platform that connects you with people all around you.
No one wants to miss out on being part of this amazing social media platform, so if you want to join the fun, you can simply create a Facebook account.

How Do You Create New Facebook Account
Creating a Facebook account is very easy; you just need to follow some steps that include the following:
- Go to the Facebook webpage; users from the Age of 13 can create Facebook accounts, so Facebook puts Age into consideration. You can also only create one Facebook per email.
- After navigating to the Facebook webpage, you will need to enter personal information on a form. You will be asked for your first name & last name, email address, password, and gender. Your Facebook name must be your real name, you can use nicknames, but they have to include a variation of your real name.
- Once you are done providing the required information, click on the green SIGN Up option. If you have added the accurate information, you will be sent a confirmation email. It may take some time before you get the mail, so you just have to be patient.
- Once you receive the verification email, click the link in the mail to activate your account.
- This will take you to another step, which involves setting your profile. You have not really become a member of this platform if you have not set up your profile, so this is an important aspect of creating a Facebook account.
- Add a suitable profile picture to help other users identify you on the platform. Add necessary information on Profile; Facebook will use this information to connect you to people and pages. Facebook will know the best suggestions for people you may know and pages you will like through the information you have added on your profile.
- Then you need to add friends; you are not really on Facebook if you don’t have friends to chat or connect with. Just search for friends using the search bar feature and add them as friends by clicking the Add Friend option next to the name of the friend.
- It is essential you also take some time to set up your privacy settings. Choose the people you want to see your posts and make other necessary changes you want.
- After your Facebook profile and settings are set up, you can create posts by typing under the box that says, “what’s On Your Mind.” You can also chat with friends using the Chat icon, and do lots more.
In summary, creating a Facebook account is the first step to joining the awesome and ever-growing platform. After creating your account, you can connect with old friends, post on your timeline, and keep in touch with friends & family.