PayPal Request Refund – PayPal is an online payment system that allows you to pay, send money, and accept payments. PayPal is one of the most reliable online payment platforms with millions of users all over the world.
So, you can perform online transactions through PayPal to make online transactions, both secure and convenient.
After making payments for products you received through online transactions, and you are not satisfied with the items, or you feel you have been defrauded, you can simply request for refunds. Now, it is left for the seller to confirm your request and refund your money.

How to Get a Refund on PayPal
You can request refunds when you are not satisfied with the purchase you have made by sending an email to the seller for a refund. You can request for refund of payments for up to 180 days after the payment has been made. Go through these steps to request for payment refund:
- Find the email address of the seller
- To find the email address of the recipient, go to “Activity.”
- Use the filters to find the payments you want to be refunded and click on it.
- Then find the recipient’s email address and send your request through your email account.
- Ask the seller to use the ”Issue link” and not the ”Send Money” feature to issue your refund to you.
- Ask the recipient to find the payment on their ”Activity” and click on it. Then finally click the ”Issue a Refund” link. Now, the seller can send your refund to you using this link. Your refund will be sent to either your PayPal balance, bank account, or card, depending on the method of the transaction with which the money was originally sent.

Essential Things to Note on PayPal Refund Policy
- First, if the seller refuses to refund the payment you feel you are entitled to, you can simply visit the Resolution Center to open a dispute. It has to be within 180 days of making payments, and your issues must meet the criteria. You can check the status of the claim you opened easily in the PayPal Resolution Center. You have to provide the required information and wait for PayPal to determine if you are eligible for a refund.
- Refunds to your credit card can take up to 30 days. However, this depends on the credit company you used in performing the transaction.
- If the original transaction involved a currency conversion:
- Furthermore, the transaction is issued within one day of the original transaction date, then the transaction rate applicable to the original date of payment will be used. This means you will receive the original amount you paid.
- Finally, if the refund is issued after one day of the date of the original transaction. Then the transaction exchange rate applicable at the time of the conversion of the returned money will be used. So, you may not receive the full amount of the original payment.
So, if you are not satisfied with the purchase you made through PayPal, you can simply follow the steps above to request for refund.